Interactive infographic reveals the extent of fraud across the United States

While fraud has been a major issue in the United States for some time, the extent and scale of the issue has been difficult to visualise. This real-time infographic reveals the sheer number of fraud cases and the financial loss it causes across 18 major sectors in the United States.

This year, traditional forms of fraud, such as credit cards scams and imposter scams, have rapidly evolved into new forms, such as romance and online shopping scams, as a result of social isolation sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic. This real-time data reveals how digital fraud needs to be tackled with the same urgency as traditional forms - particularly as society shifts to a new online norm.

Fraud in the US in real-time: $0
Imposter scams
Reports: 0.00
Reports per minute: 0
Reports per day: 0
Reports per year: 0
Identity theft scams
Reports: 0.00
Reports per minute: 0
Reports per day: 0
Reports per year: 0
Fraudulent tax preparer
Reports: 0
Reports per minute: 0
Reports per day: 0
Reports per year: 0
General fraud cases
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
Credit Card fraud
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
COVID-19 fraud
COVID-19 related Romance Scams
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
General COVID-19 related fraud
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
Corona-Related Online Shopping Scams (i.e. N95 masks)
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
Fraudulent contact methods
Contacted through website
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
Contacted by phone
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
Contacted through email
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
Contacted through mail
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
Military fraud
U.S. Air Force fraud
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
U.S. Army fraud
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
U.S. Coast Guard fraud
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
U.S. Marine fraud
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
U.S. Navy fraud
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0
Military veteran scams
Amount lost: 0
Amount lost per minute: 0
Amount lost per hour: 0
Amount lost per day: 0
Amount lost per year: 0

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The data included in this interactive infographic was taken from 2019 to allow for a full-year analysis, with the exception of COVID-19 related scams, which were calculated from January to September 2020. The data was obtained from the Sentinel Network Data Book and the COVID-19 and Stimulus Reports (Federal Trade Commission, 2020). The number of fraud cases in each sector was identified per year, and then divided by the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds to uncover the number of cases in real-time according to different time scales.


Click here for a list of definitions.


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